Sunday Kind of Love

Since the first day of Fall I have been eagerly waiting for the leaves to change colors. There is something so romantic about it. All the reds, oranges, yellows, and brown leaves make the scenery look breathtaking. Luckily, I brought my dslr to church with us this past Sunday and grabbed a couple shots! And of course a big special thanks to K for taking these. :)
Here are some pictures from Sunday's stroll through Monmouth Battlefield State Park :)

loved the timeless look of this picture .

as we were walking through the park we spotted this beautiful yellowish, orange tree. we took a couple shots here, and as we were about to move on K said, "wait! do that again!" -dropped down and took this picture. i love his artistic eye. thank you so much K!!!

everything about this picture makes my heart swell with love and gratitude. i was so happy i was able to take a couple shots of these two.

a family asked me to take a couple shots of them and of course i was super excited. they were expecting their first child in a month's time. my heart was practically exploding with all the love i could see in their eyes. also, check out their sweet camera! so awesome to try out something different. the feel from that Nikon and lens was out of this world! (also thank you tim for taking these pictures of me. i was unaware he was taking these, and when we started to head back to the car he showed these to me. this was me, in my element, doing what i love to do- create art)

Sunday's are always my favorite. It's the one day of the week I can recharge my spiritual battery and get a jumpstart on my week. It's the day I try to connect with my family whether its a hike, bake yummy treats, boardgames, or take a stroll through downtown Princeton. I'm so grateful for Sundays! It makes listening to Etta James extra sweet! ;)
"A world without a Sabbath would be like a man without a smile, like a summer without flowers, and like a homestead without a garden. It is the joyous day of the whole week." —Henry Ward Beecher
Madi xoxo